Criminal Law

The lawyers at JMS Group provide informed advice and develop legal strategies aimed at protecting their clients’ rights during judicial proceedings. Whether it involves minor offenses, more serious cases related to criminal offenses, traffic code violations, or appeals to the supreme court, JMS Group supports its clients at every stage of the judicial process. The constant goal is to ensure the defense of their clients’ interests, whether they are businesses or individuals.

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General criminal law

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The specialized attorneys at JMS Group are proficient in general criminal law. They provide informed advice and establish legal strategies to ensure that clients’ rights are protected within the framework of these procedures. Whether for minor offenses or more serious cases, JMS Consulting accompanies clients at every step of the judicial process.

Business criminal law

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JMS Consulting’s Criminal Law department also encompasses business criminal law. The legal experts at JMS Group offer informed counsel and tailored solutions for cases involving criminal offenses. We are committed to defending the interests of our clients, whether they are businesses or individuals, using strong and competent defense strategies.

Traffic offenses - road traffic code violations

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The attorneys at JMS Consulting have recognized expertise in cases related to traffic offenses and violations of the road traffic code. Our team of specialists assists you in addressing any accusations related to traffic offenses. Whether you face minor infractions or more serious violations of the road traffic code, JMS Consulting implements effective legal defenses to protect your rights.

Criminal cassation

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JMS Consulting’s Criminal Law team is competent in criminal cassation matters. We are dedicated to defending your rights and presenting strong arguments before cassation bodies. Our expert cassation attorneys work diligently to secure favorable outcomes for our clients by carefully examining every aspect of the case.